Carolyn Stebbing: Cut Through the Noise

Founder and Chief Enabler

by Elizabeth Lavis


15 Jul 2024

Gold in Character Design for Graphic Design 2023
“If the design doesn’t get noticed, everything else is academic”

For Carolyn Stebbing, Founder, and Chief Enabler- in the best kind of way- of The Announcables and Little Village Creative, a good design hinges on its ability to stand out. “Cut through,” she says. “If the design doesn’t get noticed, everything else is academic.”

Stebbing, who sports a proud Trans-Tasman accent, comes from Auckland, New Zealand, and has called Australia home for 13 years. “New Zealand has a vibrant, creative scene, and Kiwis tend to punch above their weight internationally when it comes to music, movies, fashion, art, and creativity in general,” she says. “We’re proud of our culture and who we are but love to goof around. I think this light-hearted sense of fun shows up in the work that we create. I know it has certainly inspired me as an ‘agency person.’”

Thanks to her father, an audio engineer, she also has a family connection to creative work. “I spent much of my childhood hanging out with my dad at his studio,” she says. “At the time, most of his work was with agencies, recording voiceovers and jingles. As a kid, I got to spend time in the studio, meeting people, watching the process, and even voicing the odd ad myself,” she says. Seeing her father make a living doing this kind of work planted an early seed that it was possible to pursue a career where Stebbing could be creative and make a living at the same time. 

While Stebbing gets to flex her creative muscles at work, running a successful design agency also centers around building rapport with potential clients. “Trust is hard won but easily lost,” Stebbing says. “Based on experience, I know for sure that putting in the hard yards at the beginning makes all of the difference in building a strong working relationship.” 

"The Announceables", The Announceables

This kind of rapport takes time and starts with getting to know the client and their business. “We run a chemistry session where we share our story, our mission, vision, and values, and they do the same,” Stebbing says. She also emphasizes the importance of getting to know people on all levels of the organization, not just the design point person. “Get to know the leadership and product teams, sales, customer service, legal counsel, front-line staff, and learn from as many different people as possible,” she says. “Spend time behind the shop counter, in the dispatch warehouse, in the call center, and with the customers themselves.”

Stebbing also recommends shaking up your daily routine to combat stress and burnout. “Sometimes, something as simple as walking a different route to the office or trying a new lunch spot can be enough to nudge you out of a rut,” she says. “Take a deep breath. Go for a walk around the block. Make a cup of tea. Even an hour away from your desk doing something different can make all the difference.”

When it comes to relaxing and getting out of her head for a moment, Stebbing can always rely on her favorite guilty pleasure: memes. “They’re basically my love language,” she says. “Some people send gifts. I send memes.”

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