Pete Herzog: Enjoy the Journey

Executive Producer and Creative Director of Pixel and Texel

by Elizabeth Lavis


05 Mar 2024

Gold Winner in Branding for Travel 2023
“I tend to feel stronger creatively and mentally when I see them and recharge”

Pete Herzog, Executive Producer and Creative Director of Pixel and Texel’s advice for aspiring designers is simple. “Find your inspiration and enjoy your journey. Do it all,” he says. Herzog also believes in embracing and acting in the moment. “Be kind, humble, grateful, and live your best life. Do it now,” he says. Herzog’s company, Pixel and Texel, works with legacy brands like Meta and Marriot, but its head is refreshingly down-to-earth with a nomadic childhood where he was always known as the class artist in each new school.

“I always knew I would do something around art,” Herzog says. “I was lucky to have friends and family always encouraging me.” The fast-paced design world also fits perfectly with Herzog’s high-energy personality. “I love the challenge of multiple projects,” he says. “I try to filter any stress that our team might be under and work harder so that they can feel better. I’ve enjoyed the burn over the years. I’m not normal.”

Herzog’s high-octane performance and ability to handle burnout with ease are balanced by an understanding and stable family. “I think having a family that understands and supports my career and accepts the long hours away from home helps me,” he says. “I tend to feel stronger creatively and mentally when I see them and recharge.”

"Marriott International 12K LED Wall Content", Pixel and Texel

Understandably and predictably, Herzog does not shy away from dissent or differing client viewpoints. “I love the challenges of client notes and have had many good clients in the past,” he says. He establishes rapport by being open and transparent and giving each client a run-down of the process. “Then, let’s have fun,” Herzog says.

His design process starts with a solid kick-off client call where the team can banter about ideas and see what creative solutions pop up. It keeps going thanks to some of Herzog’s trusty tools of the trade, including Photoshop, paper and pencil, and a good dry-erase board. He also draws inspiration from some design world giants. “I’m a big David Carson fan,” Herzog says. “I loved his T-26 fonts back when I was starting out.” 

While Herzog maintains an optimistic and infectious bright energy that he brings to his work, he does see some clouds on the horizon. “AI flipped the industry on its head,” he says. “Hold on tight.” Despite the looming uncertainty of AI and what it might bring to the design world, Herzog’s personal and professional trajectory seems very solid. “I see myself jamming and Pixel and Texel and overcoming the growing pains after doubling in size in five years,” he says. “My goals are to keep making Pixel and Texel one of the best studios it can be, continue my quest to be that artist in Europe in my retirement years, and watch my children become young professionals and find happiness.”

Personally, Herzog wants to keep enjoying his life and striving to be the kindest, most empathetic, and respectful person he can be. 

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