Kimming Yap: Half the Battle Is Showing Up

Managing Director @Creativeans

by Elizabeth Lavis


12 Jul 2024

Gold Winner in Character Design for Graphic Design 2024
“Go out and explore, observe, talk to people, learn as much as possible, and you will become a better designer”

For Kimming Yap, the official Managing Director and unofficial Chief Visionary Officer of Creativeans, half the battle of succeeding in the design world is simply showing up. “Take the chance and leap of faith to do things you are passionate and care about,” he says. “Opportunities will turn up in places that you least expect.”

Yap hails from Singapore, and the vibrant and endlessly diverse city-state continues to influence his work. “It’s a melting pot of culture,” he says. Yap loved creating things as a child, but he wasn’t sure how to classify his passion until his teenage years. “I didn’t know that there was such an occupation as ‘designer’ until I was in high school, and it immediately became my calling,” Yap says.  

Deeply driven by boundless curiosity and desire to understand how the world works, Yap derives joy and job satisfaction from seeing his designs made into applicable tools in the real world. “I love the opportunity to turn an idea into reality and learn from my clients about their businesses and industries,” he says. 

To date, one of his finest achievements has been establishing Creativeans and seeing it expand globally. “We’re an award-winning brand consultancy and venture studio based in Singapore, Jakarta, Milan, and Vancouver,” Yap says. “We’ve been working on this project for 11 years and are still going strong and expanding our capabilities and reach.” Creativean’s fundamental driving mission is to build brands that matter. “We believe that every brand has the power to make a meaningful impact on the world, and it is our goal to do just that,” Yap says.

"Mascot Enterprise", Creativeans Pte Ltd

Yap’s simple but sage advice to aspiring designers is to remain curious and always question the world around them. “We are the sum of our experiences,” he says. “Go out and explore, observe, talk to people, learn as much as possible, and you will become a better designer.” Yap implements these ideas in his design journey, finding inspiration in his students and their ideas. “They give me fresh perspectives and a glimpse of the future through their eyes,” he says. 

In his day-to-day work, Yap understands the need to prioritize projects and make space for downtime when he needs it. He also relies on solid processes and practices to help streamline the project from start to finish. “At Creativeans, we use a systematic approach and methodologies such as BrandBuilder and EDIT Design Thinking to foster a consistent track record of success,” Yap says. 

He also believes in a compassionate and transparent approach to dealing with clients, fostering a sense of teamwork and partnership. “We establish trust and rapport by putting ourselves in their shoes and empathizing with their business or problems. We see ourselves working with our clients, not for them,” Yap says.

“The client is not always right. Sometimes, we must show them what doesn’t work so they understand what does.” This approach requires plenty of tact and mutual respect. “When confronted with harsh criticism, we need to be willing to understand their point of view but still make our own judgment,” he says.

Yap sees the future of design heavily embracing elements of AI and virtual reality and will no doubt continue to discover new ways of doing things with an open mind and creativity. When he’s not creating award-winning work, Yap relaxes with a fine spirit. “My guilty pleasure is a good gin,” he says.

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